Executive & Team Coach with profound business expertise and strong industrial background

Born and grown up in China, I have also lived and worked in Australia, Singapore, Canada and Germany in the last 3 decades. I am a global citizen with extensive professional experiences in executive coaching, team coaching, leadership development and organisational consulting.

“I am the magic mountain that provides safe haven for people to gain clarity, courage and strength for their life journey forward!”

My Profile

As a facilitator and leadership trainer, I have facilitated strategy development programs for executive teams for large international organisations and conducted a series of leadership training seminars, which have impacted hundreds of leaders in various industries, such as automotive, banking, education, financial services, health care and manufacturing.

As a management consultant, I have led international and highly diversified teams and successfully managed complex projects such as company set-ups, the launch of new products/business models and process reengineering.

In my prior corporate career in Germany, I have held management roles with global responsibilities in Business Process Management and Organisational Consulting at Daimler Financial Services.

My previous studies include a Bachelor of Arts degree in English at the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in Guangzhou, China (awarded in 1994) and a Master of Commerce degree in Accounting at the University of Sydney in Australia (awarded in 2001).

I am a strong advocate of global and growth mindsets. I work in English, German, Mandarin and Cantonese. Authenticity, compassion, integrity and open-mindedness are my core values.

My Coaching Journey

After surviving a traffic accident in 2019, I asked myself what it really meant to me to lead a fulfilling life and how I could make more positive impact on the society. I have listened to my inner calling and started my coaching journey. Having travelled and moved to so many different places in the world to advance my career path, I understand very well how it might feel being a foreigner or an “outsider” and how challenging it could be sometimes with the invisible glass ceiling in the workplace, especially in a traditional industry. At the same time, we are often overstretched while trying to balance multiple roles (as a leader, partner, parent…) on our shoulders and meet various demands. I know how valuable the guidance and support of a good coach can be for each individual, especially in a transition period and in the nowadays ever-changing social environment with much uncertainty ahead.

With a genuine curiosity for people, I am an attentive listener and create a safe space for my clients to discover their personal values, life purpose and their true passion. My coaching style is authentic, compassionate and holistic. I help my clients to build deeper self-awareness to their inner wisdom and gain new perspectives through the evolving dynamics in the challenging situation. I support my clients to get out of their comfort zones, let go of limiting beliefs while unlocking their unique strengths and full potentials. I help clients develop desired new skills, change self-defeating mindsets, improve personal performance and elevate confidence. I inspire my clients to enhance their intercultural competence and develop global mindset by focusing on similarities among cultures and creating synergies. I support my clients to build up growth mindset and develop learning as a life-long habit so that they have the resilience and self-trust to thrive no matter in what circumstances.

Where I am now

I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) at the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI), and an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by International Coaching Federation (ICF). As the oldest and largest coaching training institute in the world, CTI has laid the foundation for the modern coaching industry. The Co-Active model has been regarded as the “gold standards” of coaching. Co-Active Coaching has profoundly transformed my own life in many ways.  ​​

I am passionate about coaching and it has been so rewarding for me to see how I can inspire and evoke brilliance, creativity, and positive energy of the others. I am honouring my core values and living my life purpose fully in my coaching practice!

My other coaching training and accreditation include:

2020 Positive Intelligence Coaching Program

2021 ORSC (Organisation & Relationship Systems Coaching) Fundamental Course

2022 CTPC (Certified Team Performance Coaching) Master Class and Come Alive

2023 Hogan Assessment Certification

I am also a Career Coach for the MBA students at ESMT, the leading Business School in Germany.

Currently I live with my family in Berlin, probably the most international, creative and dynamic city in Germany. Berlin has already become my second hometown, where I have lived for over 14 years in the last 2 decades. When I am not working, I love photographing, reading, meditation, yoga, spending quality time with my teenager children and exploring the fascinating nature and cultural life in Berlin.

Reach out to me.

If you would like to know more about me and how I coach, please contact me for a complimentary sample session or a consultation call.

Contact Me